2011 Queen's Birthday Honours recipients

Ms Lisa Paul AO, PSM
BA 1984
For distinguished service to the public sector through leadership.
Mr Andrew Tongue PSM
MpubPol 1992
For outstanding public service leadership.
Professor George Williams AO
PhD 2000
For distinguished service to the law.
Mr Conrad Barr AFSM
BSc 1987
For outstanding leadership, commitment and dedication to the improvement of the ACT Fire Brigade.
Dr Margaret Bowman OAM
PhD 1998
For service to local government as an educator and researcher
Mr James Christian AM
Exec MPA 2008
For outstanding public service to Indigenous Affairs
Dr Graeme Davison AO
PhD 1970
For distinguished service to the community as a leading scholar and commentator.
Commodore David Letts AM, CSM
LLM 1990
For exceptional service as Director General Navy People and Reputation
Ms Hae Holdaway PSM
GradDipEc 2005
Outstanding public service in strengthening the Australia-Korea bilateral relationship.
Mr Charles Massy OAM
BSc 1977
For service to the wool industry and community.
Ms Helen Maxwell OAM
BA 1981
For service to the museum and galleries sector.
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