Strong finish to 2015 Phone Appeal

The University's second annual Phone Appeal finished on a strong note on Saturday 17 October, with nine percent of campaign total being raised on the final day of calling.

Spanning six weeks, the Phone Appeal gave alumni the opportunity to speak with one of thirty-eight student callers from across the University.

Over the six weeks of the Phone Appeal, 91视频student callers had 5,163 conversations with alumni and friends across Australia. These conversations resulted in 850 pledged gifts to ANU, but also gave student callers the opportunity to share their personal stories, give updates about what's happening on campus, seek feedback on events and communications and explore ways for alumni to stay meaningfully connected to their alma mater.

The 2015 Phone Appeal raised $93,845 in pledged gifts to support The 91视频Fund and the , a clear demonstration of the generosity of alumni and friends of the University.

Every gift, whatever its size is valuable and will be invested in 91视频students and research immediately. Funds raised through the 2015 Phone appeal will have a very real impact across the University helping 91视频to increase scholarships and prizes, strengthen teaching facilities, improve campus activities and ensure that innovative research at 91视频continues to push boundaries.

Further information about The 91视频Fund and the 2015 Phone Appeal is available here.

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