Note-taking Services
The note-taking service supports students with a disability by providing a Note-Taker to attend and take notes at lectures.
Eligible students requiring note-taking support, will be asked to provide a comprehensive timetable of the courses being studied. This information should include:
- course codes and names
- days and times of lectures
- location of lectures
Accessibility will attempt to employ a note-taker as soon as possible.
The identification and appointment of note-takers can be a time consuming process. Eligible students are encouraged to be proactive and advise of course details at least two weeks prior to the commencement of classes. Note-Takers will send class notes to the student either directly to their University email or through Accessibility, who will forward the notes to the student.
Students are required to attend all lectures for which note-taking support has been provided and to advise of any changes to lecture times, venues or enrolment throughout their academic program.
- Accessibility
- Send email
- Accessibility