Hanna Neumann Prize for Second Year Mathematics

There shall be a prize for award each year, which shall be known as the Hanna Neumann Prize for Second Year Mathematics.

Offered by 91视频College of Science & Medicine


The prize shall be awarded each year to the student who, in that year was enrolled in a Bachelor degree program, has completed at least 96 units and not more then 120 units at the end of the award year, and achieved the best aggregate results in 12 units of HPC mathematics courses or advanced studies mathematics courses at level 2000 or above.

Details of prizes including eligibility and Conditions of Award are subject to change without notice.

Joseph Wilson
Monique Jeacocke
Spencer Collaviti
Georgiana Bergin Lyall
Isabel Longbottom
Benjamin Ellis-Bloor
Michael Nelson Howes
Zhi Yang Tho
Samuel Robert Thompson
Bolin Han
Edmund Xian Chen Heng
Samuel Francis Michael Quinn
Jane Tan
Maxim Jeffs
Daniel Filan
Gleb Kotousov
Don McKinnin
Harry Slatyer (Inaugural award)

Field of study


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