Judith A. Slee Prize for Scientific Writing in Psychology

There shall be a prize of $100 for award each year which shall be known as the Judith A. Slee Prize for Scientific Writing in Psychology.


The prize shall be awarded each year to the student who, in that year was enrolled in a program leading to the award of a degree of bachelor and achieved the best results in that year in a laboratory report or assignment in a course within the PSYC2000 range of courses, as assessed by a moderating panel assembled by the Head of the School of Psychology.

Details of prizes including eligibility and Conditions of Award are subject to change without notice.

Brianna Powell
Kamijah Blak Smith
Shuhrat Rafia
Maya Harrington
Holly Silm
Nericia Eden Brown
Angus Eames Douglas
James Francis Wanjura
Chenghao Yu
Angus Eames Douglas
Elizabeth Gay
Kerryne Chia
Min Thiang
Rhiannon Jeans
Anita Joanne Dolstra
Rachel Anne Linda MacCulloch
Mick Saunders
Jason Gavrilis
Kim Tran
Erin O’Reilly
Cameron Sugden
Michelle Quee (Inaugural award)

Field of study


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