Program management
As an 91ÊÓƵstudent, you are responsible for the management of your program and there are various aspects of your program that require consideration during your time at ANU.
Academic problems, appeals, complaints process
Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support services…
Census dates
Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support services…
Change of residency
Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support…
Change or correct your name, title, date of birth or gender
Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support…
Change Working Thesis Details
Change Working Thesis Details As you work toward the submission and examination of your thesis you may wish to change your thesis details. Using the…
Change your contact details
Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support…
Changes to your supervisory panel
Any changes to your supervisory panel must be approved by your Delegated Authority. There are circumstances under which you, or your panel members,…
Changing majors, minors & specialisations
Your program is made of units grouped together to form majors, minors and/or specialisations. Each program has different requirements depending…
CoE extension
If you find that you are unable to complete your program requirements within the duration of your Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), you will need to…
Conference attendance
Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support…
Confirm your enrolment, degree or study-load
Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support services…
Cross-institutional study
Studying at another Australian university and counting the results towards your 91ÊÓƵprogram is known as cross-institutional study.Students are not…
Decisions made under the Awards Rules
A number of decisions regarding your enrolment in your program are made under the relevant Awards Rules. These decisions can include:A decision not…
Defer an offer
Deferring your offer means delaying the commencement of your studies in a specific program. This occurs if you receive an offer for a particular…
Di Riddell Student Centre
The Di Riddell Student Centre (Building 154), located in the university's Kambri precinct, is home to central student services on-campus.LEVEL 1 -…
Digital Documents (My eQuals)
Students and graduates can view, download and share their 91ÊÓƵacademic documents online, at any time using a secure service called My eQuals provided…
Document Certification and Translation
CertificationWhen you are required to submit an official document to the University (such as a medical certificate to accompany an application form…
Education verification & authentication
The Australian National University (ANU) provides several methods for verifying the authenticity of current and former students' academic status or…
Equivalent full-time student load
Equivalent full-time student load (EFTSL) is the measure used to determine a student's study-load. The University sets a unit value for each of its…
Ethics and integrity
91ÊÓƵis committed to the highest standards of research ethics and integrity. All staff and students are required to abide by the 91ÊÓƵGuideline:…
Extension of a research program
If you are unable to submit your thesis by the final day of your program and wish to remain a candidate who is eligible to submit, you will need to…
Research students Fieldwork is an integral part of many research programs and covers a wide range of data-gathering activities. Discussions about…
Fraud Awareness
The Australian National University (ANU) is committed to ensuring the integrity of our Awards and administrative processes for applicants, students…
Get course credit or exemption
If you have previous studies or professional experience that is relevant to your current academic program, you can request to receive course credit…
Graduate search
The following function can be used to search for graduates of 91ÊÓƵin the awards and years listed. You can search by year and award for coursework or…
HDR Administrative Support
HDR Administrative ContactsIf you have a question relating to the administration of your candidature you can contact the following: …
HDR candidate milestones
One of the requirements of all HDR students across the university is to submit regular reporting milestones. These reporting requirements are…
HDR end-user engagement reporting
OverviewThe Australian Government Department of Education (The Department) has introduced a number of changes to reporting requirements for all…
HDR guidelines to change to external status
BackgroundHDR candidates are required to undertake their program at a campus of the University for a minimum period (see below) unless approved…
HDR policies & procedures
At 91ÊÓƵthere are rules and guidelines that govern your responsibilities and requirements as a student. Some of these are specific to higher degree…
HDR Scholarships post thesis submission
From 15 May 2024 with the publication of the new HDR Scholarships procedure, the process for HDR stipends post-thesis submission have changed to…
HDR Travel Approval
Fieldwork Travel Approval process All HDR candidates must complete the appropriate training before commencing fieldwork. HDR Candidates…
Industry engagement and internships
Industry engagement is one of the best ways to test your capabilities as a researcher but also your transferable and professional skills. By applying…
Information for International Student Visa Holders Studying in Australia
International students enrolled in an in-person 91ÊÓƵprogram must be present in Canberra and attend the 91ÊÓƵcampus for their studies. Students …
Late withdrawal due to special circumstances
The University is committed to supporting you through all stages of your learning journey, including where you experience difficult circumstances. If…
Manage My Degree (MMD) eForm Exemptions
This page is only for students who have been directed here from the eForm via their ISIS account. General information about MMD can be found on the…
Prestigious Scholarships
Find out all you need to know about applying for the most sought-after postgraduate and research scholarships. These scholarships will support the…
Program and Course advice
Information on the rules, requirements and available study options for your program can be found on the Programs & Courses website. If you have…
Program leave - domestic coursework student
Domestic coursework students who have had effective enrolment in at least one course in their current program at 91ÊÓƵare not required to request…
Program leave - international coursework student
It is important that international students understand their obligations and restrictions when applying for program leave.Students can only apply for…
Purchase an academic transcript
How to purchase Electronic transcriptLogin to ISIS and click the 'Request a Transcript' button on the homepage, or navigate to: …
Reducing your study load as an international student (Coursework)
International students who are not studying on a Student Visa will be required to apply to drop courses (reduce their study load), however, they will…
Repeating a failed course
If you fail a course, you will be permitted to re-enrol in it in a subsequent semester should the course be available. You can seek…
Requesting remote adjustments 2022
91ÊÓƵhas returned to on-campus teaching and this will continue in semester two. We expect you to attend classes in-person, on-campus wherever possible…
Research Candidate Milestones
Milestone eForm via ISIS91ÊÓƵresearch candidates are required to meet a number of progress milestones including an initial Annual Plan, completion of…
Research coursework changes
Research students can apply to add or drop a coursework course using the Manage My Degree eForm, via ISIS. It is recommended that you…
Research Program Change and Research Program Transfer
Higher degree research students have two options to choose wanting to change their research degree.A research degree transfer is a level transfer…
Research program leave
OverviewHigher degree research (HDR) candidates are expected to engage with their HDR program of studies for 48 weeks per year and are enrolled for…
Research study load
HDR Candidates are expected to pursue their program for 48 weeks of the year.Under the Procedure: Higher degree by research - candidature:A full-time…
Special Dispensation
Further information about Special Dispensation will be uploaded on this webpage once finalised (Last updated: 28 July 2020) Eligibility If you are…
Staying on track with your HDR program
HDR study is a rich and rewarding experience, but can also be a very challenging time in your life. Every HDR student needs some form of support to…
Student Administration eForms
MMD merges a number of paper-based forms to a single eForm providing online, streamlined and simplified student administrative processes across ANU.…
Student Code of Conduct
At ANU, we agree on a set of values which guide how we work, study, research and engage in campus life together. The Student Code of…
Student Urgent Relief Bursary (SURF)
About the Student Urgent Relief Bursary (SURF)Through the generosity of our community and donors, the Student Urgent Relief Bursary (SURF) provides…
Swapping or dropping a course
Most variations to your enrolment can be made using ISIS. Students seeking advice on how to add a course should refer to the Enrolment page for…
Termination of your research program
If it looks like your candidature needs to be terminated you will have received an indication of this prior to formal notification. For this reason…
The textbook list for each course will be available from academic departments, schools and centres around November each year. You can visit the Harry…
The thesis
In Australia the thesis is an extended written piece which reports on the results of a three to four year programme of research (in other countries…
Students are encouraged to seek support whenever needed. Please visit the Health, Safety & Wellbeing webpage for available support services…
Transferring between Programs
Currently enrolled students wishing to change the program they are studying may apply for a program transfer. New students may not apply for a…
Travel concessions
You may be eligible for student transport concessions. ACT Full-time students holding a valid 91ÊÓƵstudent card can receive a concession…
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
To enter your USI on ISIS, please follow the pathway: NavBar (Compass Icon) > Menu > ISIS > Personal Details > Unique Student…
Update your visa & passport details
If your visa or passport details have changed you must contact us to update your visa information. It is a condition of studying at 91ÊÓƵthat you…
Withdraw from a program as a domestic coursework student
If you decide you no longer want to continue studying at ANU, you should withdraw from your program.Your withdrawal will be effective from the date…
Withdraw from a program as an international coursework student
If you want to withdraw from your 91ÊÓƵprogram, you will need to formally notify the University.Your withdrawal will be effective from the date your…
Withdraw from a research program
If you decide you no longer want to continue studying at 91ÊÓƵthen you should withdraw from your program.You may withdraw from your program at any…
You & your supervisor
One of the most important aspects of a successful HDR candidature is a productive supervision relationship. Establishing open and productive…
Your Graduation Documents
Learn about your graduation documents- What are graduation documents?When you graduate from the Australian National University, you'll receive the…