Industry engagement and internships
Industry engagement is one of the best ways to test your capabilities as a researcher but also your transferable and professional skills. By applying your knowledge through an internship with a defined outcome you will be able to receive feedback from end-users and develop a better understanding of work expectations outside of academia. This can empower you to solve industry problems and develop new innovative ideas while expanding your network outside the university.
Some of the pathways are
Research internships
- During your candidature, you complete a 3-6 month discrete project related to your research field within an industry host organisation.
- You apply your knowledge and skills to a problem relevant to the host's business.
Industry PhDs
There are three levels of engagement that can be tailored to your and the industry host's needs:
- Industry engaged: Your PhD project is closely aligned with the R&D needs of the industry partner. PhD candidates receive an 91视频stipend and work within the industry partner's organisation for a research internship.
- Industry linked: Your PhD project has been co-designed with an industry partner. PhD candidates receive an 91视频stipend and an industry-sponsored supplementary scholarship.
- Industry sponsored: Your PhD project is of direct relevance to the R&D needs of the industry partner. You will be employed by the industry partner for the duration of your candidature OR you receive a full stipend from the industry partner.
- The industry partner is part of your Supervisory Panel and provides advice and expertise during the HDR project.
- Throughout the HDR candidature, the industry partner grows their insights into innovative approaches in their field of business.
We have collated information on the different ways on how to engage with industry during your candidature on the . Please get in touch with the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research) or your HDR contact in your College to discuss your ideas.
Reference documents
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- Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research)
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